What’s So Great About Vanlife?

So, you’re curious about why someone would even consider selling most of their worldly attachments to go walk up and down mountains and get sweaty and gross? Why would a person even consider living in a car just so that they could go around and hang out in places where there is barely anybody?

Good questions! Sit with me for a moment and let’s talk about them!

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First thing is first, why? What is so great about it?

In short, almost everything! HA! But really, it’s the challenge, the beauty, and the fun. What else would we want to do with our lives than feel accomplished by overcoming obstacles, take in the beauty of the world, and live a free and fun life with fewer worldly concerns? One could say that relaxing and comfort is better, but I would ask them if they feel fulfilled. Many people in first world countries enjoy the creature comforts of blankets, warm fuzzy beds, and a constant barrage of entertainment to keep them occupied; however, a growing number of these people are reportedly feeling less and less content with their lives and more like they are supposed to be doing something. This, my friend, is not necessarily true. You don’t need to be doing something all the time, but if you can do nothing somewhere beautiful, would that not be preferred? What do hikers do all day other than nothing? We walk, talk to other hikers, maybe shower in a waterfall, and sit by a fire. That’s about it. However in doing so, a number of hikers have more effective coping mechanisms and ways of accomplishing problems that make the issues of everyday life not feel so intimidating. Walking up a mountain cannot be done in a single bound, it is climbed one step at a time. The same goes for any imposing problem, they often cannot be solved all at once, and need to be taken one step at a time. Hiking and spending more time outdoors can help ground us in reality and take away that need for instant gratification.

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You want me to give up my TV, computer, phone, and other awesome stuff to go challenge myself? That sounds dumb.

No way! Keep your stuff! Most of the comforts you have at home are also available for travelers! There might be a few more hurdles to jump over before you can have a television and pc set up in your traveling home, but it’s absolutely possible! Most places people camp, for free mind you, have some semblance of signal and with your own wireless router/hotspot, you can stay connected wherever you go! I wouldn’t be able to write this without having signal sometimes right? HA!

But what about my warm bed, pillows, and blankets?

You can have those too! Just because we try hard at things and climb mountains, doesn’t mean never enjoying things! Building a house in a van/bus, means putting what YOU WANT in your house! If you prioritize having a super comfy place to sleep, put that in your house! If you want a kitchen or living space, put that in your space! It may take a little longer to design and set up correctly, but at the end of the process it will be so worth it!

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Thanks for chatting with me for a while! Any other questions? Leave a comment below!


Lessons Learned on the Road


What is Vanlife Like?